
项目名称:2024年中国联通国际公司全球ICT业务供应商第三批第二期公开招募-欧分补充招募 招募人为中国联通(欧洲)运营有限公司 1. 项目概况:中国联通国际公司全球合作伙伴招募的目标是提高设备与集成服务采购和供给效率,快速响应业务和市场需求。欧洲分公司为提高招募结果可用性,将基于现有2023年欧分第三批第一期ICT招募结果进行新一轮的本地化补充招募,便于优选适合本地ICT业务的供应商入围,提供本地化服务,进一步覆盖客户类ICT项目需求。 招募依据: 《中国联通国际有限公司供应商优选实施细则(试行)》 《中国联通国际有限公司场景化采购授权实施方案》 《中国联通国际优选供应商及询价采购实施办法》 招募内容:本次招募内容为全球ICT业务供应商(包含各类ICT设备与服务),具体招募涉及国家(标段划分)为:1.英国,2.德国,3.法国,4.荷兰,5.意大利,6.匈牙利,7.奥地利,8.波兰,9.卢森堡,10.塞尔维亚,11.瑞士,12.瑞典,13.南非,14.阿联酋,15.沙特阿拉伯。投标人应选择至少1个国家递交对应国家的投标文件(包括对应国家的资格审查材料); 本次招募不承诺具体采购规模,实际执行中以海外公司(代表处)询价规模为准。 2.投标人资格要求 (1)在招募国家或地区登记当地注册、合法成立的独立法人或其他组织,提供注册证明文件; (2)承诺可提供正规发票,且具备良好的财务状况; (3)承诺入围后有能力组建针对入围国家当地联通公司ICT业务支撑工作的专职团队; (4)承诺具备在拟入围国家/地区合法销售设备或提供服务的资格; (5)本次补充招募接受各类ICT供应商的入围申请,满足下列条件之一视为满足本条资格要求: ①ICT服务供应商,须提供近三年(本次招募以2021年1月1日起算)对应国家(地区)ICT相关案例至少2个,单个合同金额不小于3万欧元; ②设备代理商/合作伙伴,须提供对应入围国家的原厂授权证明或合作伙伴证明。同一品牌也可授权多家代理商参与不同标段的投标,或可授权给多家互相不具有控股或管理关系的代理商参与相同标段的投标,也可以与不具有控股或管理关系的代理商参与同一标段或不同标段的投标; ③综合ICT服务或设备供应商,提供上述①或②任意证明即可; ④设备原厂商,提供原厂证明和主流销售产品的产品介绍即可。 (6)未处于中国联通供应商黑名单禁入期限内; (7)本次招募不接受联合体应答。 3.资格审查方法 本项目将进行资格后审,资格审查标准和内容见招募文件,凡未通过资格后审的投标人,其投标将被否决。 4.招募文件的获取 4.1 电子招募文件获取时间:2024年2月13日上午09:00至2024年3月01日上午09:00(伦敦时间,下同)。 5.投标文件的递交 5.1 电子投标文件的递交:电子投标文件通过“联通国际采购与招投标平台”(https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:8081/supp/index.html#/)待办递交,投标截止时间为2024年3月22日上午09:00。 5.2 本项目将于上述同一时间进行线上开标。 5.3 招募人不予接收逾期上传或未按要求上传的投标文件: 6.发布公告的媒介 本招募公告同时在中国联通采购与招募网(http://www.chinaunicombidding.cn/)、中国联通国际采购与招投标平台(https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:8081/supp/index.html#/), LinkedIn 上发布,公开征集潜在供应商。确定结果后在相同媒体发布结果公示。 7.联系方式 招 标 人:中国联通(欧洲)运营有限公司 地 址:LEVEL 19, 40 BANK STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND, E14 5NR 联 系 人:向一丹 电 话:+44 7419293266 电子邮件:ho-yidx@chinaunicom.cn 8.监督信息 举报电话:+852 21864293 举报邮箱:hq-cugjc@chinaunicom.cn 邮寄地址:香港九龙尖沙咀广东道25号港威大厦一期33楼 中国联通国际有限公司监督审计部 Project Name: Third Batch Phase II of Open Recruitment of Global ICT Business Supplier of China Unicom International Corporation in 2024 – Supplementary Recruitment of Euro Branch Recruited by China Unicom (Europe) Operations Ltd. 1. Project Overview: The goal of China Unicom International”s global partner recruitment is to improve the efficiency of equipment and integration services procurement and supply, and quickly respond to business and market demand. In order to improve the availability of recruitment results, the European branch will conduct a new round of localised supplementary recruitment based on the results of the existing 2023 Euro Branch Batch III Phase I ICT recruitment, which will facilitate the shortlisting of preferred vendors suitable for the local ICT business and the provision of localised services, and further cover the needs of customer-based ICT projects. Recruitment basis: Implementing Rules for Supplier Preferences of China Unicom International Limited (Trial Implementation) Implementation Plan for Scenario-based Procurement Authorisation of China Unicom International Limited Implementation Measures for Preferential Supplier Selection and RFQ Procurement of China Unicom International Recruitment content: The recruitment is for global ICT business suppliers (including all kinds of ICT equipment and services), and the specific recruitment involves the following countries (bidding division): 1. United Kingdom, 2. Germany, 3. France, 4. Netherlands, 5. Italy, 6. Hungary, 7. Austria, 8. Poland, 9. Luxembourg, 10. Serbia, 11. Switzerland, 12. Sweden, 13. South Africa, 14. the United Arab Emirates, 15. Saudi Arabia. Bidders should choose at least one country to submit bidding documents (including qualification materials of the corresponding country); The recruitment does not commit to the specific procurement scale, and the actual implementation is subject to the scale of enquiry from overseas companies (representative offices). 2.Bidder Qualification Requirements (1) Independent legal persons or other organisations registered locally and legally established in the recruiting country or region, providing documents proving registration; (2) Commitment to be able to provide formal invoices and have a good financial status; (3) Commitment to have the ability to set up a specialised team for ICT business support for local Unicom companies in the shortlisted countries after being selected as a finalist; (4) Commitment to have the qualification to legally sell equipment or provide services in the country/region to be shortlisted, and have the independent customs clearance ability to import to the country/region; (5) This supplementary recruitment accepts shortlisting applications from all kinds of ICT suppliers, and one of the following conditions shall be deemed to meet the qualification requirements of this article: ① ICT service providers, must provide the last three years (this recruitment to January 1, 2021 onwards) corresponding to the country (region) ICT-related cases at least 2, a single contract amount of not less than 30,000 EUR; ② equipment agents / partners, must provide the corresponding shortlisted countries of the original factory authorisation certificate or partner certificate. The same brand can also authorize multiple agents to participate in the bidding for different segments, or can be authorised to a number of agents who do not have a controlling or management relationship with each other to participate in the bidding for the same segments, but also with agents who do not have a controlling or management relationship to participate in the same segments or different segments of the bidding; ③ Comprehensive ICT service or equipment supplier, providing any proof of ① or ② above is sufficient; ④ equipment original manufacturers, to provide proof of originality and product introduction of mainstream sales products can be. (6) Not in the period of China Unicom”s supplier blacklist ban; (7) This recruitment does not accept joint response. 3.Method of Qualification Review The project will be subject to a post-qualification review, the qualification criteria and contents of which are set out in the recruitment documents, and the bids of any bidders who do not pass the post-qualification review will be rejected. 4.Obtaining Recruitment Documents 4.1 Time for obtaining electronic recruitment documents: 09:00 am on 13 February 2024 to 09:00 am on 01 March 2024 (London Time, same below). 4.2 Ways to get the recruitment documents: Register or log in (already have an account) to “China Unicom Global Procurement and Bidding Platform” (https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:8081/supp/index.html#/) to find the project”s recruitment Announcement and to enroll. After successful enrollment, the system will automatically send the recruitment documents to the email address registered by the supplier when registering on the platform. For suppliers who have registered before, please make sure that the e-mail address in the supplier information registered on the platform is correct before enrollment. 5.Submission of Bid Documents 5.1 Submission of electronic bid documents: electronic bid documents shall be submitted through the “China Unicom Global Procurement and Bidding Platform” (https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:8081/supp/index.html#/), and the deadline for bidding is 09:00 am on 22 March 2024. 5.2 Bids for the Project will be opened online at the same time as mentioned above. 5.3 The Recruiter will not accept late uploaded or non-requested bid documents; 6.Medium of Public Announcement This recruitment announcement is published on “China Unicom Procurement and Recruitment Website” (http://www.chinaunicombidding.cn/) and “China Unicom Global Procurement and Bidding Platform” (https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:8081/supp/index.html#/), LinkedIn at the same time, and public call for potential suppliers. A public notice of the results is issued in the same media after the results have been determined. 7.Contact Information Tenderer: China Unicom (Europe) Operations Ltd. Address: LEVEL 19, 40 BANK STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND, E14 5NR Contractor:Yidan Xiang Telephone: +44 7419293266 Email: ho-yidx@chinaunicom.cn 8.Supervisory Information Telephone : +852 21864293 E-mail: hq-cugjc@chinaunicom.cn Mailing address: 33/F, Gateway Tower I, 25 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Supervision and Audit Department, China Unicom International Limited


Third Batch Phase II of Open Recruitment of Global ICT Business Supplier of China Unicom International Corporation in 2024 - Supplementary Recruitment of European Branch

2024-2-13 18:52:24



2024-2-13 18:53:52

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